Bus schedule

09:30 10:30
Date: 06.05.2024.
09:30 10:30
1:00h 0
10.50 EUR
17:15 18:13
Date: 06.05.2024.
17:15 18:13
0:58h 0
10.00 EUR
18:30 19:28
Date: 06.05.2024.
18:30 19:28
0:58h 0
10.00 EUR

About this trip

From: Zadar, HR To: Skradin - NP Krka, HR
Buses 3
Average trip duration 0 h 20 min
Tickets from 10 EUR

Bus companies operating on this route

    Zadar - Skradin

    The usual distance by road is 75,2 km, while the air distance is 64 km which is noticeably shorter. It is simple to plan your appearance in Skradin whenever it fits you, so this could be early in the morning, around noon or in later eve. Zadar-Skradin is one of the most occupied route in Croatia.

    Moderate travel span is 50 minutes. The bus from Zadar to Skradin leaves 3 times per day, but to be more clear-cut, first bus leaves at 10:15, while the last one leaves at 16:00.

    The duration of travel and number of travel pauses, or stops depends on transport operator and the selection of the road - the brand-new and modern highway, or the old road. We recommend, or, to be more specific, we advise you to check transport operator and type of the road before the concluding purchase of bus tickets. The cheapest one-way ticket is 70 HRK and the price of the most expensive bus ticket is 78 HRK.

    Also, Zadar main bus station, as well as Skradin bus station are positioned close to the city center, so if you have a little more time or energy before departure or after your arrival go visit the most precious places in the city and, please, do not forget to capture them with your camera or mobile phone. Both bus stations are well equipped with further luxuries, such as: wardrobe, coffee shops and a kiosk.

    List of carriers Zadar - Skradin

    Only carrier servicing this line is CROATIA BUS d.o.o.

    Bus station Zadar

    Together with numerous cafes, bus station has a wardrobe which gives you the opportunity to leave your suitcase and go sightseeing the sights.

    This is the place where you can ask about information and services, new discounts and price charts. For all the added information, like the best place to drink your coffee or to buy some food, you can ask at the information desk of bus station.

    Undoubtedly, if you come earlier to the Zadar Bus Station do not instantly sit down in the first cafe at the station and just time wasted there. We encourage you to walk and search for some fast food restaurants and bakeries where you can grab something to eat or drink.

    Journey Zadar - Skradin

    If you want to reach the station the fastest as you can we urge you to look, or in other words search for time travel before you buy and get your ticket. Time travel mostly depends on the selection of the road and also on the number of bus stops which normally take about 15 minutes each. Zadar and Skradin share roughly 75,2 km.

    While travel you can enjoy fantastic views of the surrounding fields, forests, meadows and sea. Bus stop gives you just enough time to drink coffee, eat or to make some business call.

    Bus station Skradin

    At the Skradin bus station you have the opportunity purchase something to eat or drink at nearest bakeries, fast food restaurants, kiosks and shops anytime during the day. Upon arriving in Skradin, leave suitcase and your personal belongings in the wardrobe and drink a coffee or an espresso in one of the cafes, and yes, it would be excellent if you go to the toilet and fresh up after travel.

    Zadar - Skradin bus operators information

    Perhaps the best option for you is to browse the online network or take a short break, in other words - nap. TV set gives you the opportunity to watch action movies from early 2000. All buses on this journey come equipped with TV set and air conditioning.

    Several of these carriers have a restroom and is equipped with electrical outlets for charging mobile phones and tablets for example. Fans of surfing shouldn't expect too much from free Wi-Fi in the bus.

    Why you should travel from Zadar to Skradin by bus

    The bus ride between Zadar and Skradin offers the best correspondence for money in terms of cost, speed and comfort.

    If you think about the car, you need to include a cost of gas, also if you are going to drive by old route, you will not have to pay the toll, but you'll drive an hour longer compared with a bus. Price of bus tickets in one direction Zadar - Skradin ranges from 70 HRK to 78 HRK, or from 9.38 EUR to 10.46 EUR. The train ride from Zadar to Skradin wasting more time, but also more money.

    Bus stops on the Zadar - Skradin journey

    While travel you can use and enjoy brilliant views of places, fields and cities that you catch. Places where buses pass or stops include: Places where buses pass or stops include: Zagreb, Karlovac, Dugopolje, and Split. In case you want to get faster from Zadar to Skradin, try to get a direct line without any stops and if this is impractical for any reason, pick the fastest line according to period of travel.

    About Zadar

    To be clear, we know that you apparently came here for culture, tradition and history and because of that let us tell you that from the city center, you are in a great location for further sightseeing. While visit Zadar be sure you appreciate delightful environment near the city.

    After touring the city, you'll apparently need something to eat, so we recommend you to ask hosts about the most attractive lunchroom or in case you want to save some cash we suggest you to look for bakeries or some fast food objects near the city center. Although it is a little municipality it offers you so much to experience, see and taste and don't waste this major opportunity just because you're tired or sleepy.

    About Skradin

    Numerous events and festivals of pop music attract tons of domestic and foreign travelers from one day to another. This lovely city is a summer home for numerous domestic and foreign passengers, so be confident to schedule your accommodation timely. When it comes to the Skradin visitors are charmed with the cultural tradition and all its sights, which has a large number.

    After vacationing the city and enjoying the nature the time has come to say goodbye to Croatia and move on. Okay, if you want to visit some new places we suggest you consider destinations such as Berlin, Budapest, Ljubljana and Prague.