
Bus Station Villach

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About Bus Station Villach

    How to get to the bus station?

    Costs or prices of tickets on this station vary depending on the bus carrier and a number of other factors. After all this is the main bus station in the entire city it is simple to imagine that it's outfitted with every little thing you could conceivably wish for a cozy travel. Villach bus station has dozens of daily routes which can take you anywhere you want.

    To this bus station you can go by foot but only under one condition - if you do not have a lot of suitcase or personal belongings. Station in Villach is positioned near the city center so you can get there using public transport, your own vehicle, which we doubt you have, or you can simply call for the TAXI service.

    In case that you think you could use some additional information perchance it is occasion to look for the information desk. It is good to mention that Split has beautiful nature and tons of historical and cultural facilities which you are able to enjoy while visit, but you already knew that, right? The information desk is good place to ask about information and services, new discounts and price charts. Additionally, besides numerous counters for ticket sales in just a few minutes it could be massive crowd, your solution is to use Vollo website or app and purchase your ticket online.

    What can I find here?

    Because of the investments in new technology and modernization next time you can expect some new improvements. At the bus station you will be in a position to find newsstand with daily newspapers and magazines, bakery and little shop where you can buy your favorite drink, just like some other facilities, for instance: sports betting. If you come to the bus station too early we suggest or in better words advise you to sit in one of bistros at the station or across the street.

    If you have more time you can take a walk. In most coffee bars you will find free WiFi, if it is not open, ask staff for the password. Prices in Villach do not differ much from the rest of the country which allows you to enjoy the same stuff without feeling any regret. Search the web or stay in touch with your family while you are enjoying your coffee. Before you go to some coffee shop leave your suitcase in the wardrobe and, yes, it would be wonderful if you go to latrine and fresh up after hours of travel, wouldn't it?

    Time to spare?

    In Villach you are in a marvelous position to enjoy so you do not need to doubt about where you will spend your spare time. No doubt, you need to analyze or in other words explore the most glorious tourist attraction in Villach and then you must find yourself enjoying in one of many coffee shops.

    Seriously, this city is full of coffee shops and if you find some time, while you walking and exploring through it, you will easily choose where to rest with a drink in your hand. As one of the most powerful city in country, Villach offers various tourist attractions.

    Are you hungry?

    After all, if you want to eat differently during your visit, it's good to do earlier research. Our first advice would be to ask hosts about one of the treasured dishes in Villach, or to be more precise in the full country, but if you think this will take you too much time, which you do not have, you are able to order or, in better words, to buy something from bakery or fast food object.

    Where to stay?

    There are numerous apartments, hostels and hotels in Villach and their prices consistently vary depending on the comfort and safeness which each of them provide. A lot of hotels and hostels are located close to city center, while you can find rooms for rent over the city.

    This is a city that offers excellent gourmet and wine experiences, just like numerous concerts and festivals, and because of that do not just wait there and waste your time - go explore! If you agree to stay in a hostel you will have an opportunity to meet the real city, different from one on the tourist pamphlet. Villach has constantly growing number of tourists which is evident because of the larger number of accommodation capacity and other city facilities for tourists.