
Bus Station Umag

Address Joakima Rakovca bb, 52470 Umag
Phone number 052 741 817

About Bus Station Umag

    How to get to the station

    Umag bus station is located at the address Joakima Rakovca bb. If you search for it, you will see that it is located outside the center, or in other words the bus station is one kilometer away from the historic core, or from the center of the city. In case you want to walk that distance it takes an average of 13 minutes. This, of course, is not a significant distance, but if you have a bunch of luggage in your hands, it's no luck to walk even that kilometer.

    ACI Umag is about 2 km from the bus station. Whether you have booked a hotel in advance or you just search for your accommodation, you should know that the area where most hotels are located is about 2-4 km from the bus station.

    If you have luggage, and what we believe you have, and you don`t have anyone to get you to your accommodation, use a taxi located in front of the Umag railway station building. If that's not possible, walk that mile to the city center. There you will find many hostels and apartments.

    If you have a friend or a family member who is waiting for you, it`s good to know that a parking lot is located right up to the Umag Bus Station, or 3 m away, besides that the supermarket is 33 m away, while the gas station is 204 m away.

    For those who use or prefer combined transport, the closest airport to Umag is Pula, 82.5 km away from the city of Umag. After that one, the closest one is in Trieste, which is 95.8 km away.

    What can I find here?

    Umag Bus Station won`t disappoint you. It has all the basic facilities that you might need. There`s no need to worry that you will be hungry or thirsty. Namely, bus station Umag offers you a chance to buy some food, or better to say anything to snack and drink. Apart from that, you can buy tickets and ask for all the information as there is, as expected, a sales office. If you need a cash machine or a kiosk there will be no problem as well.

    At the Umag Bus Station there is a waiting room where it is possible to leave luggage and go to toilet. Our recommendation is to use both of these services while waiting for your bus. Besides that, there are: exchange office, supermarket and coffee shop. We believe that for all coffee lovers this is a great piece of information, but if you decide to drink it, go early enough to ensure you have enough time to sit comfortably and enjoy your time.

    If you have a couple of hours

    This is the first city to enter if you are going to Croatia from the north and because of that they call it the "Gate of Croatia". When you are in Umag to get to Trieste you have 40 km, 130 km to Rijeka and 210 km to Venice.

    For those who are in Umag for the first time we will mention some of the most interesting tourist attractions. Once you are in the main square in Umag you will find that there is the Parish Church of the Assumption of Mary and St. Peregrina. You will also notice the 33m high bell tower, behind which there is a city cistern that once was the main source of drinking water for the whole city. Further, visit the Museum of Umag, rich in archeological objects from the Roman period.

    If you are wondering what else Umag is known for, it is certainly Istrian truffles that can be found in the marketplace, but also by the famous tennis ATP tournament held in Umag at the center of Stella Maris.

    Apart from that, while you are in Umag don`t miss: Savudrians Lighthouse, St. Roast and homemade Istrian brandy. Don`t worry, we can almost guarantee that you will not be bored in Umag even for a second. And whether or not the ATP tournament is running.

    Umag is particularly alive during the season. It is one of a favorite destination for tourists and will certainly enrich you with the memories that you will carry with you for a long time, long after the visit.

    If you`ve got time to kill

    When you are in Umag, and you've got rid of luggage, that can only mean one thing - time for fun and for some more fun! For a start relax on one of the popular beaches, including the Kanova (Karigador), Kanegra (Savudrija), Sol Polynesia (Katoro), Laguna Stella Maris and Aurora (Katoro). After swimming and enjoying in other sea delights, it is time for a dose of history and culture.

    Specifically, when you are in Umag, we recommend you to visit: the gallery Marin, Savudrija lighthouse that draws a story about the sad love of the Austrian countess Metternich and the village Sepomaia stretching from Cape Katoro to Cape Sipar.

    Finally when you are tired of sightseeing Umag sit and have a drink in one of the many cafes. Observe the city and its liveliness. For special lovers of history it will be best to get in touch with the local population and find out about its history.

    Where to go next?

    The bus station Umag is connected to other cities in Croatia by numerous lines. We don`t only focus on nearby towns in Istria (Rovinj, Pula), but also on larger Croatian cities such as: Zagreb, Rijeka, Zadar, Sibenik and Split. Zagreb as a metropolis has a rich tourist offer and offers a lot of content for young people who often prefer fun, as well as for families with children but also for older people looking for culture, history, and art.

    Rijeka, Pula, Porec and Rovinj are just some of the parts of Istria, which without any doubt need to be seen. Although Croatia is rich in wonderful vacation destinations, if you want to go outside of Croatia, some of the most popular bus lines from Umag are those for: Belgrade and Trieste.