
Bus Station Neum

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About Bus Station Neum

    How to get to the bus station?

    The bus station in Neum is two hundred meters away from the city center. It will take you about three minutes to walk from the bus to the center and vice versa which is not a problem either in case you have a lot of baggage.

    Forget about public city transport or taxi. You're in Neum. You just don't need it. All right, maybe just in case, you're situated out of town. To be more exact, in the area where we don't doubt, you enjoy the natural beauty. Anyway, be sure that you will always find a good neighbor to drop you off to the bus station if you don't have anybody from your family or friends nearby.

    What can I find there?

    Neum bus station cannot boast a lot of content. Still, there is a shopping mall/supermarket, where you'll find everything you need. Various accommodation facilities are also located near the station.

    From more expensive variants such as hotels to hostels and private accommodation units where the price, of course, vary. It's up to you to choose what suits you best. Realistically, prices in Neum are about 20% cheaper than in any other part of the Adriatic coast. Among the more than 7,000 beds you can be sure you'll find at least one that will suit you completely.

    If the ticket is in your pocket, and the bus is still out of sight, sit in a cafe bar, and enjoy the view.

    Time to spare

    Neum is a town in southern Herzegovina and the only BiH exit to the sea. Approximately 5000 inhabitants live along the Adriatic coast about 24 km long. Soon, you're going to discover its beautiful, sandy beaches, steep hills, clear sea and a favorable climate.

    You'll experience the history and art of the city through the museum with an archaeological and ethnographic collection as well as the City Gallery with over 400 paintings. At the entrance to the Museum and the Neum Gallery, you'll be welcomed by folk costumes exposed on dolls.

    The area itself was organized so that it initially exhibited a collection of fossils from the area of Graca, Cerova, and Brštanica. It follows the age of stone, wood, and bones, that is, the period of the older and younger stone age to which the Bronze Age and Iron Age continue, and then the period that attests to the Roman era. The Middle Ages, the age of Turkish slavery and the uprising from 1875 to 1878, continue to the previously expounded collections.

    This is worth seeing so we suggest you to visit the historic and cultural center of the city during your visit, located at Trg Gospe od Zdravlja 1.


    Every year, in the second half of August, the Croatian Music Festival - Ethno Fest Neum is held in the city. If you happen to be there in these charming days, reorganize and visit the festival.

    Where to go next?

    The good news is that Neum as the only BiH exit to the sea is located just next to the Croatian pearls. Those are Dubrovnik, Ston, Korčula, and Makarska. Upon arriving in Neum you are only 65 km away from Dubrovnik and would be a real shame to miss the visit, especially if you haven't been there before.

    In case you want to extend your stay in Neum rather than go on, you can choose one-day excursions to these places, ie cities. For more detailed information and maps just take a walk around town and ask the locals. Usually, in the center of town along the coast, you'll find organizers of one-day arrangements where you can immediately arrange all the details.

    These excursions are an excellent solution to explore the new, surrounding, places.

    If you continue your journey towards the interior of BiH, know that Mostar is 75 km away and Sarajevo about 190 km. A bus drives you to both of these cities - Mostar and Sarajevo. Anyway, make sure that buy your bus ticket during the season on time.